If you’re marketing your business via social media but haven't started using video yet, you should consider adding this powerful medium to your strategy as soon as possible.
For the past three or four years, video has sizzled on social media. And with good reason. First, it’s arresting, eye-catching. Facebook users scrolling down their news feeds see the native video already in motion. That action attracts a great deal of attention. Consequently, video ranks higher on social channels than other types of posts – both in terms of views and reposting.
Second, many people today would rather watch a video than muddle through a large block of content. It’s simply an excellent means of conveying information. How many of us have searched YouTube to get instruction on how to change the oil in a riding mower, get rid of ants, grow hot peppers or perform any number of household tasks? But here’s an equally telling question: How many of these YouTube viewers would have sought the same information in text form? Think of your own proclivities. Are you more apt to read an instruction booklet or watch someone lay out the instructions visually?
In the same way, social media users who would seldom read through a brochure or flyer will readily watch a good video pitch for your products and services. It's become a strong preference in our digital age. So, give them something they're more apt to absorb.
Video creation is more accessible than ever. With the advent of smartphones, anyone can shoot it – even in high definition. There are also a host of tools that enable you to do text overlays and various edits. No longer is video the province of only the professional videographer and editor. The average, computer-literate person can do it pretty well.
Of course, getting professionals involved can raise the quality of your videos far above the DIY creations of your competitors. ZCorp PR & Digital can script, shoot, edit and produce video of superior quality. And we’ll craft a message that’s right for your specific business, tailored to your goals. Contact us today and find out how we can help you take advantage of this explosive media.
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